Town of Waterford Recycling Center Re-Opens

Town of Waterford Recycling Center

The Town of Waterford Recycling Center, located at 3750 Buena Park Rd., will re-open beginning Saturday, April 4, 2020 and will resume the normal schedule. The Department of Public Works will be strongly enforcing Town policy allowing only large items and yard waste.  No bags of garbage will be allowed.

To protect the health and safety of our employees and residents we expect/request everyone to adhere to Governor Ever's orders and  utilize this Town service if it is essential

If crowding occurs and/or the social distancing requirements of maintaining a distance of six feet between any person is not maintained, the recycling center may be forced to shut down until further notice.

For questions about what is accepted at the Town Recycling Center, please call the Department of Public Works at 262-534-5705.